Norway Pass

 Being from Washington State myself, I felt it only fitting to share a bigfoot story that takes place close to home. In this incident, we have some hunters out in the woods, who hear vocalizations, and have a visitor that night in their camp. Let's take a brief look at the story and see what we make of it.

The story takes place near Mount Saint Hellens in Washington state, a world-renowned Sasquatch hot spot. The location specifically was on the Norway Pass, and the weather conditions were cold, rainy, and overcast (typical WA weather).

The day was like any other on their 3-day camping trip, nothing special to report until that night when they were splitting wood for their campfire. As one of the hunters was splitting the wood they heard the faint clacking of wooden objects together in the distance. In response, the hunters took a piece of wood from the fire and struck a tree near them once. A minute or two of silence followed before another wood knock was reported. Then nothing, after a few minutes of silence the hunters returned to their normal business thinking nothing further of it and turned in for the night.

Sometime during the night, the hunters were awakened by the sound of something slapping up against the side of their tent. They described it as being like a branch or broom thrown against their tent. The hunters got up, examined the area around their tent, and didn't find anything, no branches, nothing. The forest around them grew silent, and eventually, the hunters returned to bed. No sooner had they fallen asleep, when they were again awakened, this time by the sound of a terrifying, guttural roar from just outside their tent. They described the roar being as loud as a train blasting you with its horn at point-blank range. This time the hunters decided to ride out the rest of the night in the tent awake, but nothing else occurred, and the next morning the men exited the tent and looked for signs of what might have done that. However, they were unable to find any signs of life around their tent. They packed up and headed back home.

Mount Saint Hellens has had a history of aggressive Sasquatch encounters, this lends an extra layer of credibility to their story. The fact that they tell us exactly what happened, without embellishing or adding details no one would think of also adds to the credibility of their story. These men are hunters, they know the area that they are in, they hunt it all the time, they know what lives in those mountains. If this had been a bear or something along those lines these guys would have been able to identify it.


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